3D table

I have a simple table with 20 names down the side and 10 products across the top. Any single name may be associated with any product by placing an ‘X’ in the cell underneath the applicable product. This is known as table A. I then have a second table (B) with the same layout as table A; same names down the side and same products across the top. The difference in table B is that there could be a totally different set of products associated with the names (also denoted with an ‘X’ in the applicable cell) as compared to table A. My question: Is there a way in Excel to represent these 2 tables in 3-dimensions visually? In other words, I want to be able to show the product-to-name associations in both tables at the same time without having to display both tables A and B; I want to be able to have just a single table with names and products, showing the associations from both tables. Not only that, the 3D table should be able to reflect any changes in the X’s.